In a week I share many links and posts. I thought I would put a weeks worth on a single link and just stay in my lane.
Read moreThe Bitter Rind Of Memories
Valentines Day is Donna's birthday. I sort of made a promise that I would not harsh anyone V-Day fun, shares, and PDA's with my postings about the swirling emotions of her not being here for me to gift the hell out of her.
Read moreTime to Look Deeper Into My Grief: Part 2
Donna in Rome
We must to tell our stories not only for our own wellbeing and knowledge. We must share our stories to help others facing grief and mourning during and beyond our pandemic reality.
Read moreVolunteering to Find Meaning and Purpose
Not sure when I started to consider volunteering. It was not easy to consider it as an option. Nothing says retired, old, unless, and without meaning and purpose as does “I am volunteering at...” Don’t get my message here wrong. I am not besmirching volunteering. Without people doing it much of the greatness humans offer other humans evaporates. It is more about me being unaccepting of me as I am.
Read more"Grief is a Buddha"
As I read this piece and begin to understand what grief is Buddha means. I see it as part of me. Grief has made me what I am today. For me to rent my heart over my grief is to miss the fact I was made whole by my grief.
Read moreGrief is Vivisection to Those Left Behind
“Love Conquers All’
Country music lyrics, CS Lewis A Grief Observed, and a cause in self-compassion. These elements have helped open my receptors to the pain of memories of what was and what is. I am now shaping my grief into my life force.
Read moreThis is Interesting #11
The simple act of writing a letter of condolences is the purest act of humanity we can share. Our loneliness in grief is real yet the simple act of listening is so important. “Grief is so uncomfortable especially when it is someone else’s” From a brilliant TED talk by @noraborealis
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