A bit of change which I guess is me being swept up in the New Year pounding of our collective drum beats as we dance to around the fire pits of social media. Oh look she is doing this. He will achieve that. Goals to achieve for the New Year is the dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, Enticing us all.
My modest effort will be to eschew direct SM posts and collect the weeks worth of what I would have shared here. No SM shares of this or even tags. Just this week I read this, saw this, and was struck by that, All of which would have been IG or FB worthy. Even X. With the failed logic of thinking my posse on these platforms would value this and click likes or comment. Kinda happens. My harsh reality of doing this is to stay relevant and top of mind. Look they like me and will eulogize me well. Ha
To break my needy shackles and lack of self-worth I will put my SM stuff here. And let it sit and emotionally fester unseen. I've not logged in x times a day to post and see if I have likes.
This film was something to behold and enjoy. It's not a gear head film. Not sure I know what the Tifosi think but knowing it is a film about Enzo Ferrari and his life he is a Godhead of sorts for them. Adam Driver as Enzo Ferrari is magnificent and brilliant. He delivers on all eight cylinders. Penelope Cruz delivers a performance that will stay with you for a long long time. She play Laura Ferrari's wife. Cruz is a global treasure.
Kelcie, Taylor, Lennon, Yoko oh no.
Travis Kelcie and Taylor Swift being compared to Yoko Ono and John Lennon. I laughed my ass off reading that. I mean yeah since I grew up with the Beatles I did need someone to blame for them breaking up. Yoko was an easy target. The Chief’s flaying this season and Kelcie not being on top of his game. Maybe the comparison is fair but, Yoko cannot sing and do what Swift does. So I will hold my tongue.
Munich the film by Steven Spielberg
I took a shot at watching the 2005 film Munich directed by Steven Spielberg examining the kidnapping and deaths of Israeli athletes at the '72 Munich Olympics. It is a thriller and a powerful examination of Palestine and Israel where the language spoken then is on repeat now. It gave me perspective that history is an intractable force for the future.
This is a story I wish I could have written. The language is beautiful and evocative. Words that make images.
"Should Patients Be Allowed to Die From Anorexia?"
A long and very well research article that’s troubling while being insightful. I'm still not sure what to make of it. Maybe you can figure it out for me.
This British TV series is excellent. The story bobs and weaves as it builds to a brilliant ending. Some minor spoilers in this review. Worth a binge.
It's been a beat. I started volunteering shortly after Donna died 2011. Began at the hospice where she died. Over the years I added to my volunteering. Different things in the area. Then crisis counseling. Which has become the biggest one. See this. The rewards of volunteering are diminishing . Not sure why? Burnout or bored or lack of interest or maybe I see that I'm just not being materially helpful. I think it's doing it all in isolation. It takes a lot to self reflect so well that if you help someone in the forest and no one hears did you really help. Shrug
Japanese artist Takashi Homma has taken a closer look at the iconic Mount Fuji, offering a selection of 36 prints in a book soberly entitled Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji This is from Blind Magazine a Photo Magazine that is really beautiful as you can see from this article.
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My Bakers Cyst or Popliteal Cyst